young adult ministry

Young Adult Ministry

Works to support and connect young adults ages 18 – 33 grow as servant leaders and role models as they engage in acts of service. This group will maintain shared fellowship with other young adult ministries ensuring community and surrounding area unity.

Hospitality Caregivers Ministry

This servant-based ministry oversees the following operations, collections, and disbursements:

  • Greeting & Welcoming

  • Food Preparations

  • Clothing & Non-Perishable Items Distributions

  • Community Event Planning

  • Promoting Fellowship Oneness

hospitality caregivers ministry

Matthew 28: Project Lead-The-Way

An evangelism ministry purposed to ensure members’ ability to effectively communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to others @ home, in-house, locally, and abroad. Members will receive Bible-based training and gain confidence in obeying and sharing the Great Commission of Jesus via The Book Of Matthew 28: 16-20. This registered South Carolina non-profit discipleship organization of believers serve as active role models of how to live, communicate the truths of God’s Word, and how to help new believers grow in their faith.

Works In Progress (W.I.P.) Ministry

With Philippians 1:6 as its core foundation, this registered South Carolina non-profit service-based organization seeks to ensure that those served find and maintain their footing in Christianity, ‘Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” These individuals serve as role models for new converts and back-slidden siblings of the faith.

Daughters of the Promise

This ministry helps women to identity their value and self-worth, teaching them to unashamedly view their past as a survival testimony. This group also assists with securing employment and shelter for female domestic violence victims at no charge.

Pastor's Aide

Assist the pastor and his or her family with various needs in a moral, spiritual, and financial sense. This committee is composed of a small group of members of the church. The main duty of the Pastor’s Aide committee is to pray for the needs of the Pastor and his/her family and provide the support and encouragement needed to the Pastor and his/her family through words or actions that show love and gratitude to the Pastoral Family.

Sisters of Worship

This women’s organization seeds free goods and services into the lives of girls and women as evidence that lifestyle awareness coupled with the employment of Bible-based principles leads to virtuous living. S.O.W. provides free Biblical and educational tutoring, mentoring, counseling, clothing, and shelter for women and children. Daughters Of The Promise is a subsidiary of Sisters of Worship. This organization is a registered South Carolina non-profit corporation established for the purpose of domestic violence intervention for women. This ministry helps women to identify their value and self-worth, teaching them to unashamedly view their past as a survival testimony. This group also assists with securing employment and shelter for female domestic violence victims at no charge.

Anointed Men Establishing Nations

A network of male role models established for the purpose of training and empowering boys and men to grow into positive productive citizens. The scope of this registered South Carolina non-profit Great Commission prototype is to model for and teach boys and men character traits and responsibilities as heads of households and business leaders. A.M.E.N. provides educational tutorials, mentoring, and counseling for male constituents.

For You Lord I Dance

Praise dancers committed to preparing an atmosphere of worship to the glory of God both at TFHOM and abroad. These contemporary dances range from group dances to individual interpreter dances offered unto the Lord. The ultimate goal of F.U.L.I.D. is to evoke the presence of God to the degree that people are saved and set free.

Singles in Love with God's Kingdom

This registered South Carolina non-profit group composed of single males and females aged 21 and older offers resources, support, encouragement, education, and training for unmarried adults. This organization seeks to connect with other developing true biblical communities fostering a sense of self-efficacy. S.I.L.K. promotes personal accomplishments and well-being. The expectation is that members become assets not liabilities in relationships.

Marriage Ministry

Teaches couples how to respond to problems and to accept the grace that God offers. This organization is committed to investing life and hope into the archives of married couples. The purpose of this ministry is to help couples connect, restore broken relationships, and enrich their marriages.

Music Ministry

The Gospel of Jesus Christ shared through expressions and responses to God through song.

  • Praise Team: Responsible for setting the mood (atmosphere) and engaging the congregation during the worship experience. This small ensemble is devoted to leading God’s people in genuine, heart-felt worship.

Choir: This singing ministry prepares and prompts the congregation in corporate and individual expressions of adoration. This group uses ethnic and musical diversity to proclaim the Gospel of Good News and Glad Tidings.

Media Ministry

This service-based team amplifies the church’s message from behind the scenes making it possible to share the message of the church using audio, graphic, and video presentations. This team is responsible for the sound, video, and computer technologies necessary to present the message of Christ.

Junior Ministers in Training Youth Ministry

Actively engaged 0–21-year old’s empowering young people to become disciples of Jesus Christ. This organization emphasizes two goals.

  1. Transforming

  2. Serving